This is my reason!

This is my reason!
My daddy, Cesar Virtucio. He is my reason!

Monday, February 22, 2010

Lions Club...a wonderful blessing

A few weeks ago I meet Mr. Leroy Smith at Kaiser. I was able to briefly share with Mr. Smith about Love Caps for Cancer. Little did I know that meeting Mr. Smith would open such a wonderful opportunity for LC4C! Mr. Smith is the president of Lions Club in San Lorenzo and he invited me to their meeting tonight to talk about LC4C's cause. I have to admit that I was really nervous and even doubtful about going to this meeting. I wasn't sure if they would like my idea and I wasn't sure if speaking at this meeting would help LC4C. I was COMPLETELY WRONG!! Tonight was a big night for LC4C. I was given the chance to share and talk about my project and my story! It was such an amazing experience and I am so grateful and thankful for this wonderful opportunity that has been given to me! I am so excited to see the progress and the growth that will be happening this year for LC4C!!!

I met some real great people tonight who are all very willing to help in this project. There were two high school students who have offered to help spread the word for this cause. I can't thank them enough and it touches my heart to see and meet such awesome young people! It is truly amazing!

SO much happened tonight! I can't explain it all...some of it is a blur at the moment, but I am so happy for this great outcome!! Be on the look out for fliers and a love cap event in the near future!

I am thankful for meeting Mr. Smith. BUT more importantly I am thankful for all that God has done for me and for this cause! HE deserves all the praise, not me!

I am still shaking from excitement. My dad looked like he was going to cry when I told him all the great news from tonight's meeting. My mom is as proud as can be! I thank them for the support!

Please stay tuned...LOVE CAPS 4 CANCER has some exciting things coming soon!!!

Pics to come!

A very special " Thank you" to my roommate, Susan. She came to support me and she took pictures!!

P.s. I am now a Lions club member! So cool!!!


  1. WOW! This is soooooo amazing, CariLu!
    I am speechless right now, as I sit here at Starbucks . . . I am simply amazed at what I just read. So, I'm gonna turn around my laptop so that Tammy can read what I just did.

    Keep me posted!

    p.s. I'm sure you realize what kind of a door you just opened: the one that leads to LWC!

  2. Thanks Monet!! I'm thankful for all the awesome things to come..and of course I am thanking God, because HE made this all happen, not me!

  3. And Monet can learn to crochet while at Starbucks! Go Monet ... and help lead the way to LWC. - carisa's mom, tita emma to you



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