It has been a while since I have updated on Love Cap's happenings. SO much has happened over the past couple head has been spinning and I haven't really been up to blogging, but I am forcing myself to do so, because so many cool things have taken place.
First off, My dad's memorial was on May, 7 and it was so beautiful! There were so many people there and the service was amazing. I am so thankful for all of those who helped my mom and I during these last 2 weeks. It's been a roller-coaster of emotions and some days are better than others, BUT I am comforted by the fact that daddy is in a much better place than this world...He is smiling over me!! I miss him so much and sometimes it is so hard to believe that he is gone. I have been so blessed with an awesome daddy! I am thankful for him and can't wait to see him again one sweet day!
Well, now on to some important Love Cap's updates:
1. I got an email last Monday from San Leandro's Relay for Life (part of American Cancer Society) and they had asked me to donate up to 150 love caps for Cancer Survivors. Now, this is an option for the survivors! They do not need to accept a love cap, but this is something they wanted to offer to them during this event. I am spending tomorrow morning counting the love caps we have and tagging them so they are ready for this Saturday. I am excited to be a part of this event and hope to get some pictures to post for all to see.
2. I finally got my official business cards from Lions Club! They are nice! My title is " Co-Chair of Wellness Committee"! Pretty cool! I am excited to pass them out to everyone! ha!
3. I received such a kind donation today in the mail from some wonderful people I use to go to church with years ago. I am so thankful to all the kind people who have been donating to Love Caps. We have been getting a lot of wonderful cap donations! I can't thank all the amazing crocheters enough for all the hard work that they put in to making these caps! It is such a blessing for this project!
4. Our crochet party went well last Saturday. I was happy to have my mom and aunt there this time. It was their first event and they both enjoyed it very much! This event was a lot smaller and low key compared to our kick-off event, but I am still happy with how it turned out. It was a good crowd! Thank you Carlton Plaza/Amber Bennett for allowing us to come and host our party at their facility!
5. We are planning on having a Monthly or Quarterly Newsletter! This is exciting! Please Email us if you would like to be on our mailing list!!! (
Whew, I am sure I missed something! I will post pictures from the last 2 weeks tomorrow!
I am so thankful for all the wonderful tings that have been happening for Love caps! Daddy would be proud!
I know your daddy is very proud of you because I am very proud of you.
ReplyDeleteAnd I am also proud to say that I did crochet on the plane and it looks like a hat !! I am sorry though to lose the one I was working on at the event. I hope it turns up so then I'll have 2 done.
Proud mama