Today, I spent most of the day counting, tagging and boxing away love caps. Sigh! I really need an assistant (ha!) or just more hours in the day to get everything done. I need to have 125 love caps ready by Thursday to give to Relay for Life! I am almost done getting all the love caps ready.
I wanted to share with everyone one of the sweetest moments I have had during this project. This afternoon I met a wonderful woman named Sarah. She is 93 and lives a minute away from me. She has been crocheting since she was a teenager and has made some real wonderful creations. Sarah has been crocheting "stocking caps" for our troops in Iraq for the last 3 years. She is such a sweetheart. It just touched my heart as I spend some time with her today. She has happily agreed to help crochet love caps. I will be dropping off some yarn to her house Thursday morning. I plan on asking her to teach me some new stitches and designs on my day offs. I love moment like these that just touch my heart and almost bring me to tears. It's an incredible feeling meeting such wonderful and caring people. Also, moments like these continue to encourage and excite me about my goal to become a social worker...I have such a desire for it and to help others.
It is funny how things work out. When I graduated from College last June I had no idea where my future was going to go and when daddy was diagnosed with lung cancer I put everything to the way side. It was dad's sad journey that opened my eyes to the direction I want to take regarding my future...even in tough circumstances daddy still had a way of directing and guiding me. Oh, how I love him.
Anyway, these are just some ramblings for my readers to enjoy.
I will update more later as things continue to progress!
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