This is my reason!

This is my reason!
My daddy, Cesar Virtucio. He is my reason!

Thursday, December 30, 2010

in with new...out with the old

Happy (almost) New Year!

It is amazing how this year has come and gone so fast. The last 12 months flew by in full speed. I cannot believe that 2011 is just 2 days away.

It is almost bittersweet to say goodbye to 2010. This year has been THE toughest year of my life, but it also has been a milestone year. It was this year that I watched my hero take his last breath and pass on from this life to a MUCH BETTER place, a safe place where he is no longer fighting against cancer and in fear. I would like to believe he is up there dancing, singing and laughing with the angels and also watching over me and my mom.

Losing my dad has left my life incomplete as I have said time and time again. I still have my days where I just cannot believe that he is gone and that I can’t talk to him like we use to all the time. I was such a daddy’s girl. He spoiled me, yet taught me to be happy with what I had. He showed me how to love with all my heart and give to those who were in need. He encouraged me to see the best in every person and to do the best I can in whatever situation. I value every lesson and lecture my dad taught/gave me. I use to be so annoyed when he would lecture me, now I would give anything to hear him tell me what to do. There are situations that life has brought my way that I would love to get his advice on. My dad was always guiding me and directing me when it came to my life and life choices and ironically his journey with cancer has and continues to guide me.

I hate the fact that my dad was diagnosed with cancer. It was not fair, but what in life is ever fair? NOTHING! Although, cancer has disrupted mine and my family’s life something GOOD came out of this horrible journey: LOVE CAPS 4 CANCER. Shortly after my dad and I found out that his cancer had spread to his brain, I had decided I was going to take all my negative energy and put it to positive use. I started crocheting chemo caps (later to be called: "love caps") for cancer patients. I never thought that I would start a charity/non-profit…it is amazing how everything came about for Love Caps. It has been a true blessing. So, even though the outcome of my dad’s cancer was definitely not what my family was hoping for it still has brought about a legacy that will live on through the Love Caps we hand make with love. This is a legacy that brings everyone together and bounded with love for one cause.

I am so thankful for all the blessings, support and help that Love Caps has received this year and look forward to many more amazing things this coming year. I have big dreams for Love Caps and am ecstatic to continue on with this exciting journey. My dad was my initial and is my main reason for starting this project, but with time and as I meet others who are affected by cancer I have adopted another reason. The other reason I continue this project and thrive for growth is: YOU! Whether you are a cancer patient or a family member/ friend of someone who has/had cancer…you are my reason! Sometimes I think “It is just a love cap it is made out of yarn and is nothing special. How is this helping a cancer patient?” Well, the answer is in the smile, the tears, the awe, the gratitude and the hugs that I receive from those I have come in contact with (especially those who I have been able to personally give a love cap to). All of these things encourage me to continue with this project.

I have a feeling that this coming year will be another good year, if not better, for Love Caps. We have a lot of exciting things in the works and I look forward to all of them.
I hope you all have a wonderful New Year celebration and pray that this coming year will be full of love, happiness and joy for you and your family.

I will be saying goodbye to 2010 with a bittersweet feeling, but ready to take on what the next year has to offer. This year was tough because I lost my hero, but it was a milestone because Love Caps was born. It really is all bittersweet.

Thank you to all those who read my blog and my ramblings I hope they have been entertaining.


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